Updates - Development Week 2

  • What have we achieved?
    • Recognized a logo that comes from Vuforia and placed multiple objects around it.
    • Finalized the technology and the backend structure to be used for the project.
    • Visualize basic creations in unity on a mobile device (Followed steps here: https://www.itgenerator.com/augmented-reality-app-development/)
    • Managed to get Hololens working with the TA's help.

  • What we are planning to do next?
    • Unity object interaction: Make text appear on unity objects
    • Unity object interaction: Make objects appear/disappear on clicking another object or some specific part of the screen.
    • Mock data for some companies in the backend that adheres to the backend structure finalized.
    • Create custom images for the said companies that Vuforia can recognize well (ideally achieve a 4+ star rating).
    • Explore how to create and import custom assets in unity.

  • What are the challenges we are facing?
    • Think about what components to move to Hololens and what to keep mobile only.
    • Hololens development on Mac OS machines.


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